Pad Thai recipe


Welcome to the very finest mid-week addiction, your WACKY MUSIC and delicious recipe hour WEDNESDAY!! Have you ever wanted some crazy yummy vegan dishes represented in Black Metal songs? I know I have. Introductions are in order. This is the VEGAN BLACK METAL CHEF! A creative way of presenting recipes in form of music.

However, Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg this is NOT!

"First it starts with sugar, a whole fucking lot.

A little bit more than that, yes thats right

Then you add the peanuts, also a lot.

Less than the sugar, about that much

Add the tamarind, in this case we are using a soup base

Anything tamarind will do…like a paste, they all taste very similar

A little bit more… Fuck! I hate it when that happens

The tamarind will add the tangy taste, add some salt and some garlic powder

That much chili powder will make it very hot

Fill it up with water, about that much, then you add the vinegar

Add siracha, it has some vinegar also, then stir it all up

Mix all the layers up as good as you can. Stir it up…

Now I will show you, how to crush some garlic

You cut its head off, and smash it with a knife.

Then the outside, it peels right off.

Lets do it again.

Your knife doesn’t have to be that awesome, a regular knife will do."

Actual recipe here- 

Grab a spoon and some seasonings and enjoy this creation as well as an entire great playlist of delicious foods that even you, YES YOU!!, can enjoy on a daily basis! See you next week for more delicious foods and tunes! ⁠


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