don't listen to this

This is embarassing. I'm legitimately sending you down a rabbit hole of garbage... Omfg, I guess I did as well, and now well.. Misery loves company!  So come on down to the depths with me will ya?

At some point earlier this week I saw a couple newer tracks from some crazy 80s glam rock bands, Sabastian Bach of Skid Row fame has a pretty riff-a-riffic (ouch, I'm sorry) track out called "Hold on" that is both kind of a timeless track that you'd swear you heard in 1989, and also timeless like the fact that Sebastian thinks people want to still listen to new songs by him. All in all, it's not terrible, and his new album/work might be worth checking out.

But, this steaming pile of excrement that I discovered soon after is such genuine raunch that I'm honestly feeling horrible sharing with you.  And get this, it's not so much the music video sounding like a generically made AI with the literal prompt: "80s rock tune about hilarious dog fight bowling alley animations between gutter balls" but the music that matches it is so forgettable, I needed to listen to it twice just to remember what even sounded like.

Getting this stuck in your head for more than 5 minutes would be like a prison sentence. Do yourself a favor, and just ignore this WMW all-together and save yourself the pain. Matter of fact, since I've been typing this I've wasted nearly 9 minutes of my lunch just to share what I could only consider to be the dumbest video link of 2024. And heck, maybe that's what we're here for. To break records! To DESCEND to new lows even!

We’ve had albums without Tommy Lee and Vince Neil and one of them was amazing (the self-titled with John Corabi) and one of them was kind of boring (New Tattoo) but neither of them sucked. But this “Dogs of War” song is truly awful.... until next time, shred on dweebs! 😉   ~Wacky Jash


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