Killing me, Killing you!
Sadness can lend itself handsomly to music that puts you in specific moods. Whether it's wanting to remain sad or needing to be pulled out from beneath it, music has always been an outlet for me and many others. Today on the wackiest of Wednesdays, I'm pulling back some covers of nostalgia from my past when I was in a rut, and had a damn soundtrack marching along with me.
Finland produced some of the finest musical acts of all time. I mean, how is it that Fins have always founda way to my heart through music? Wintersun, Children of Bodom, and of course Amorphis have been the background music for most of my life, so to say that Finland has been calling to my ears is an understatement.
Sentenced was emo before emo was cool. Ok, so there's lots of great emo from the 1900's as well, but who cares, Sentenced was my anthem for when I saw no solution to life. When I felt like there was nothing left, these guys confirmed my belief and said "Get used to disappointmen, things won't get better.". My twenties, which took place in the 2000s, were a twist of various experiences in my life. The highs were amazing, while the lows were torture and no musical experience matched these feelings more than this.
Blood & Tears was the first song I ever heard of theirs and it completely took my world over. The sound, the lyrics. It was on a compilation disc put together by Century Media. I believe it was one of their Identity CDs. I loved collecting those as they were amazing ways to discover so many foreign bands that lacked exposure in the states. (I think I'll do a future write up JUST about that series of discs!)
"What is it that we're struggling for?
I don't quite see it anymore
Life kicks us in the teeth
Yet something makes us crawl back for more
Back for more"
The stylings were on par with some of the best work of Chuck Billy's Testament. Matter of fact, they had more similarities than just a few songs. If I close my eyes, I could easily see these guys doing a chunk of Chuck's best songs. Eerily excellent, with a orchestrated glimps into a desolate future. I mean, I never looked at Testament as peppy and upbeat, but in comparison to Sentenced... that's honestly what you get!
less than fun-note: Miika Tenkula (lead man of Sentenced) passed away at the crisp age of 34 years of age. The band disbanded after his passing as he was the soul of the very existance of the band.
Heartbreak is one of the more challenging things people tend to experience in life. Wallowing in those vicious feelings and pulling yourself out are a genuine achievement and should be celebrated. Just feeling normal after having your guts torn from your vessel and sprewn all over, I mean, piecing things back together can take ages, and many never truly recover. No More Beating As One hit me in all the feels as well. The song title is pretty self explanitory, I hope you enjoy while moping in the corner of the shadows of your pain.
While nearly everything that I've shared so far about Sentenced talks of their rokus metal riffs or amazing chorus, they are capable of that as well! Listening to an entire album contains the ups and downs, the climax and settling moments of life. And here's a dash of some killer tunes that aren't JUST about sitting alone and feeling sad n' stuff.
Broken -
Very Amorphis like*
Killing Me, Killing You! -
Sometimes it's ok to feel sad. Embrace that feeling, pull your emotions together and acheive something precious that you can grow. When you succeed in crawling out of that cave of despare, embrace your courage, your ability to persevere. That feeling of accomplishment will drown out the fears you had.
You are amazing, You are loved! Be kind eveyrone! Until next time....
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