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Aflame of hope - A JJ2 Post -

Welcome back to the bowels of Wednesday as we crack open a swift case of brutality!! Our happy tune today is called "A step closer" from Lykathea Aflame, a brutal tech death band (more brutal tech plz, I need MORE). Lykathea Aflame hails from the Czech Republic and released this one album in 2000, and before were known as Appalling Spawn only producing a demo and LP pre-2000.  This entire album, Elvenefris, is truly one of a kind. Taking elements from Cryptopsy and Goreguts the band creates a uniquely brutal sound rich in intensity and technical skill. The thing that sets it apart is that the entire album sounds... happy and hopeful? Through the useage of an uplifting synth and major chords, Lykathea Aflame is able to make your ears bleed while simultaneously feeling hope for a better future. In my opinion, this is absolutely wild and I have not seen this replicated in any other album.  This song in particular is a standout in an already near-perfect album.  One of the mo...

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